School Starts At 8:30AM
All students may arrive to school at 8:20am.
Outside supervision is not provided at our elementary school until 8:25am
Breakfast is served in the cafeteria at 8:10am-8:25am. Students eating breakfast will enter through the cafeteria doors at the back of the building.
School Ends At 3:30PM
Running Late or Going To Be Absent?
Please call the school office (970) 587-8100 before 9:00 a.m. on any day your child will be absent or late and state the reason. Your call will ease our concern and eliminate the need to call you. (A secretary will call to verify the absence of any student whose parent has not already contacted the school.) Students are required by state law to attend school unless they are ill, there is a family emergency, or there has been a prearranged absence. The student should bring a note giving the reason for the child’s absence when he/she returns to school after an absence where the parent was unable to call the school.
Safety is our priority.
Please follow the Drop Off and Pick Up Guidelines.