Special Education

Weld RE-5J’s Heartfelt Approach to Special Education

The Department of Special Education of the Weld County School District RE-5J believes in high expectations that result in all students being prepared for positive post-secondary outcomes by ensuring access, alignment, achievement, advocacy and accountability.  Special education partners with general education and families in providing a free appropriate public education through instruction and services for students with disabilities provided in the least restrictive environment. 

Services in Weld County RE-5J School District are provided in accordance with the Individualized Education Program (IEP) for each student from preschool to age 21. Services are provided in a continuum of environments from self-contained to full inclusion settings based on the individual needs of each student as appropriate. The Colorado Department of Education has guidelines to which staffing teams adhere during the disability identification process.  If you have questions regarding the disability identification process, implementation and development of Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), or services in the Weld RE-5J School District, please contact the school psychologist at your neighborhood school.  Additional information may be available by contacting the Director of Special Education.

Approximately 10% of the Weld County RE-5J School District’s student population has an identified disability. If you have concerns that your child may be eligible to receive special education services, please contact the School Psychologist at your neighborhood school.

Meet The Team

Every Student Matters: Weld RE-5J’s Inclusive Education

Tabatha Miller
Director of Special Education
Cil White
Special Education Administrative Assistant
Andrea Nothdurft
Christine Marsh
Laura Kroes
Shayna Whitehouse
Margie Hodgson
Social Worker
Christina Bounds
School Psychologist